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What Foods Can And Can't Tortoises Eat?
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The Complete Guide to Tortoise Tables
The Best Calcium Sources for Tortoises
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It might seem like a ridiculous notion to some; that tortoises can actually climb near vertical surfaces, and potentially even escape from the four walls that form their home, however there is indeed...
Something that is often overlooked by tortoise owners is the need for their tortoise to have access to fresh, well ventilated air. Tortoises require ventilation for exactly the same reasons we do:...
Ah poop, the source of school yard jokes from time immemorial. There is however a lot to be gleaned about the health of your tortoise and what has or hasn’t been passing in through their ‘front...
It probably won't come as a surprise to many people to learn that tortoises, like nearly all reptiles, are native to warm climates. Why is this so? Well tortoises are cold blooded animals, meaning...
Tortoises are pretty tough animals, hailing from the sun scorched plains of sub saharan Africa, to the dry and barren mountains of southern Europe, and the sweltering humid rainforests of South...
Keeping a Tortoise in a Small Apartment: What You Need to Know
Do tortoises have a head for heights? Tortoises are great pets so long as you're prepared to look after them correctly and enrich their lives as best you can. There is however one area that...