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Category: Keeping a Tortoise
Desert tortoises are a protected species in the United States, and can no longer legally be bought, sold, or taken from the wild. If you're fortunate enough to have a permit to keep one of these...
Keeping a tortoise is by all accounts an interesting challenge for most first time tortoise owners. The first few years when you’re finding your feet as a tortoise owner, you’ll find yourself...
I think it’s probably fair to say tortoises can be viewed as both tough and vulnerable at the same time. On the one hand they’re seen as these armour plated, living tanks that would probably...
If you’re just getting started in your pursuit of tortoise husbandry excellence you probably have a whole ton of questions going around in your head, one of which is likely to be; what does my...
Let’s face it we’re living in a time of the MTV generation, and then some. We’re consuming and disposing of just about everything at a faster rate than ever, and while this raises a lot of...
Along with their reputation for being slow and nervous, tortoises are well known for their natural need to hibernate (also known as brumation) during the winter months. Of course, just like their...