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What Foods Can And Can't Tortoises Eat?
Tortoise Books
The Complete Guide to Tortoise Tables
The Best Calcium Sources for Tortoises
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The Best Bedding Substrates For Tortoises
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Being the stony-faced, mute creatures that they are, it can be difficult to know whether your tortoise is happy in your care. Sure, you can follow all the ‘correct’ protocols, feed them...
There are a million reasons to love tortoises; they have cute faces, have a temperament that (usually) makes them far more agreeable pets than other reptiles such as snakes or lizards (who might be...
Keeping pet tortoises can quickly become addictive for some people, and so long you’re prepared to look after them correctly, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with owning more than one of these...
Indian Star tortoise on a tortoise table Although in general tortoises are best kept outdoors, for the first 2 to 5 years of their lives it’s sensible to keep them indoors. Here you have full...
Sadly many people choose to own a tortoise without properly educating themselves about how to look after their pet correctly. Most of the time this isn’t the fault of the individual, but instead...
Which Tortoises Have the Longest Lifespan and Which Have the Shortest?
Tortoises are known for their gargantuan lifespans, with some species such as the giant tortoises of the Galapagos reportedly living for up to 200 years or more (although the current verified record...